Monday, January 17, 2011

Sweet Dreams, Dozer

So, last night was a BIG night. Dozer slept in his big boy bed for the first time!! He slept all night, and is napping in it this very minute. I am excited for him because he is a BIG boy, and I know he is more comfortable--hence the nickname, "Dozer"; you know; like BULLDOZER!!

This is a bitter sweet moment for me. No more babies in the Hunt household. I am a little sad about that; yet excited to move on to the next chapter with my kids. Caroline has matured so much this school year, and I am interested in the little lady that she is becoming. Ashlyn is quite the chatty 5 year old. She is my little helper, and LOVES to tell me all about her day at school. Reid is so much fun, yet naughty all at the same time. He has allowed me to fully enjoy every little thing; and I guess since he is the baby, I seemed to cherish moments with him that much more.

I am working on finishing Dozer's room, but I will share the headboard that will complete his bed. It is from Pottery Barn, and I LOVE it!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

All You Need Is Love....and gifts!!

So, have you ever thought how do you express love? Or maybe, how do you receive love? Well, I have a book for you! The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman This book gives you an insight on how you give and receive love; therefore allowing you to love completely.

Out of the 5 "love languages", most people have a top 2--I however, have been told that I am slightly "high maintenance"; therefore I am all 5. I believe my top "language" is gifts. I love to give gifts, and I love to receive them. It's not the amount of the gift, but the thought that goes behind it. With that being said, I have found the PERFECT gift for a child's birthday, baptism, or special day. 
                                "i see me" personalized books.
  You enter the name, they create the books. The Dozer loves pirates, so he would love this book. They have books about animals, fairies, flowers, etc...

Needless to say, I am happier today since purchasing these books for a friend's twin boys who will be one this month.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A New Year, a New Blog

Welcome to my first post as a blogger!! I will have to tell you that I have been thinking about doing this for a long time, and I decided that THIS was the year! I hope you enjoy a peek into my life as a mother as I try to be the mom that they deserve. My mother always told me that I was her JOYFUL NOISE; now I understand!! I have 3 kids that provide my JOYFUL NOISE everyday--it usually consists of screams, shouting, crying, laughter, and singing. But, at the end of the day, I wouldn't trade my life for any amount of quiet--ok, maybe a day or two:)

So, on to the introduction: I have been married to Josh for 10 years, and a mom for 8 years. My children are Caroline(8), Ashlyn(5), and Reid(2). We like to call them by their nicknames, so you might see me refer to them as Boo, Boogie, and Dozer. This blog is for them--so that one day they will see their life as I see them: God's good and perfect gift. Hope you enjoy the journey...