Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring, Swimming, and Scooter Streaker

So, a lot is happening this spring: Caroline has TONS of homework, which I guess is preparing us for 3rd grade. I can't believe she will be in 3rd grade!!! The girls have their dance recital; which translates into 6 hours of watching kids dance that aren't mine. Reid is wearing big boy underwear which means we get to go to the potty every 15 minutes:) I have never seen a kid that can pee 127 times a day. Reid is also taking swim lessons. He is in refresher classes for ISR. If you can find an instructor in your area, it is worth every penny. Kids learn to not only swim, but SURVIVE in the water. All 3 of my kids are ISR trained.   And, one more all boys like to be naked ALL the time????